Session 13
Effectiveness and Effects of Shoreline Oil Clean-up Methods : Lessons from the EXXON VALDEZ, Other Spills and Recent Research on Bioremediation
Alan J.Mearns
Position Ecologist and Leader, Biological Assessment Team, Hazardous Materials Response and Assessments Division, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S.A.
Education 1965 BSc Zoology / 1967 MA Biology, California State University / 1971 PhD Fisheries, University of Washington / Member of the National Research Council (NRC) Committee on Wastewater Management for Coastal Urban Area / Active member of the EPA Bioremediation Action Committee
1989-participated in cruises to evaluate impacts of the EXXON VALDEZ oil spill in Alaska / The team have participated in many oil spill response in the USA, and internationally and have conducted many investigations of the effectiveness and effects of bioremediation and other open-water and shoreline clean-up methods.