日本財団 図書館

This means that should one of NOFO's members have an oil spill, NOFO's resources will be placed at his disposal and he will have the full responsibility to recover the oil or otherwise minimise the damages to the environment as much as possible. The law makes provisions for the government to take command of the operation if the polluter does not perform to their satisfaction.


Procedures for an Oil Spill Response Body which is Funded by a certain Group of Oil Companies to Get Involved with an Incident Imputed to the Third Party

According to Norwegian law anyone operating an enterprise which may lead to acute pollution shall provide the necessary emergency preparedness to prevent and limit the effect of the pollution. Again according to Norwegian law, if there is danger of very considerable pollution damage, any person or organisation may be required to provide material or personnel in order to combat the accident. As a consequence of this NOFO will, even though not an commercial organisation, have to assist in cleaning up an oil spill caused by a third party. The right to request such assistance lies with the pollution control authority. Anyone who provides assistance in accordance



Nishigaki: On the Transrec system, Mr. Nerland explained yesterday that it was used in the ARISON incident. How many examples of use of the system do you have in actual cases?

Rφdal: I cannot recall the actual incidents. We have what that Mr. Nerland mentioned yesterday. And addition to that, we have been in action 4 or 5 times. All the times have been occasions where we have assisted the state pollution-control authorities.

Gainsford: I would like to respond on the mechanical vs. dispersant debate later this aftemoon. But I would like to emphasize that certainly the U.K. government doesn't rely totally on dispersant spraying. It has a backup of mechanical means. And we do believe in a mixed bag of clubs to respond.

Rφdal: It sounds like in my presentation that we only have mechanical equipment, too. But we do have some dispersant capability, actually.






