日本財団 図書館

Classification levels are issued for an U.S. geographic area based on the U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port zone. Classifications are based on the response organization's capability to meet planning parameters for skimming, boom and temporary storage capacity requirements in that area. These classifications in no way remove a planholder from the responsibility of ensuring that their response organization is capable of meeting the planholder's obligations under OPA-90.


MSRC (1991-1995)

After its creation MSRC began to create a national infrastructure of oil spill response capability that would provide its customers with the oil spill response resources to meet their expected OPA planning requirements. MSRC contracted for the construction of specially designed and constructed Oil Spill Response Vessels (OSRVs). The company also began testing and purchasing boom and skimming systems to provide what the company believed would be the level necessary to meet the response capability required by the law. MSRC developed a Research & Development Program, and created a Spill Management capability.


Dedicated Oil Spill Response Vessels (OSRVs)

In 1991, MSRC contracted with 2 shipyards in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico to design and construct 16 OSRVs prior to February 1993. The following are the characteristics for the Responder Class vessel:

・ Length Overall - 208'-5” (63.5 m)

・ Depth - 17'-0” (5.1 m)

・ Max Draft - 14'-O” (4.3 m)

・ Beam - 44'-0” (13.4 m)

・ Quarters - 38 Persons

・ Fuel Capacity - 112,890 Gallons (427,335 L)

Additionally, each vessel has 2 oil/water separation systems on board, 4,000 barrels of temporary storage, high capacity Trans-Rec skimming systems, oil containment boom, and full remote command and control capabilities for response activities.


Dedicated Skimming Capabilities

MSRC currently has 106 skimmers nationwide. Originally, MSRC purchased 96 skimmers which has grown to the current level. MSRC's combined skimming capability (as rated by the U.S. Coast Guard) is 454,178 barrels per day of Effective Daily Recovery Capacity (EDRC) including the following types of skimming equipment:

・ Trans-Rec 350

・ Aardvac 800

・ Desmi Ocean

・ GT-185

・ Seawolf

・ Walosep W-4

・ WP-1

・ Vikoma 3-Weir


Dedicated Temporary Storage

In addition to designing and constructing the OSRVs, MSRC purchased 17 offshore barges ranging in capacity from 32,000 barrels to 68,000 barrels. MSRC re-outfitted these barges to allow for crew quarters and made other changes to make the vessels suitable for oil spill response activities. MSRC also has 68 Shallow Water Barges capable of containing 400 barrels of recovered oil each and 84 towable storage bladders in 500 barrel and 3,000 barrel sizes. MSRC's combined temporary storage capability is 902,300 barrels.


Dedicated Boom

MSRC purchased 311,340 ft of boom including Offshore, Inshore and Intertidal Boom. Thus providing MSRC with booming capabilities in all depths of water and environments.


Research & Development

MSRC's 5-year Research & Development program funded research in the following areas:






