日本財団 図書館



1. Name: Hiroto Yoshii 吉井 祐人


2. Country: Japan 日本


3. Program Name: Monkey Jump


4. Fearture of My Program

Basically the program decides a next adequate move at the most high score point from the points which Move Evaluation Tree System(METS) gives. In addition, the program analyzes the state of the game according to the information from METS. Also METS tells us the emergency of stone group iri (Separate stone move).

<block diagram>


5. Strong Point of My Program

Monkey Jump introduces very unique pattern recognition system the Move Evaluation Tree System(METS).METS shows us where we should move the stone.The detail structure of METS will be disclosed in artificial intelligence or pattern recognition journals.


6. My Records of Computer go Tournaments

The program has been developed since 1997,so thc third FOST cup is the first challenge.


7. How to Buy or Get My Program for Each Country.

No game software using the program now(1997.8.27)




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