日本財団 図書館



M. OKUBO (Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan ), S. OTUKI, N. TSUJI and K. TANAKA


The purpose of this study is to frame up a reliable therapy and rehabilitation program for heavy work labours with various low back lesions.

[Materials and Method] From 1974 to 1995, we treated 597 cases (aged 28.1 in average ) by our method. They were all salesmen of soft drinks. Pre-exercise diagnoses were; chronic low back pain in 315 cases (52.8%), spondylolysis in 130 cases (21.8%), disk hemiation in 124 cases (20.8%) and others.

The exercise program consists of six grades, from E to A or AA through C and B, in order to meet each patient's physical condition from light training to heavy training such as weight training, circuit training, jogging or running, swimming and conventional low back exercises. All patients lodged at the training center and took exercise for 5 to 6 days (5-6 hours/day) a week.

[Results] All patients could return to their original jobs. However, the duration of this therapy from initiation to goal varied on the individual diagnoses. In case of chronic low back pain and spondylolysis, average duration were about 100 days. The patients with disk herniation received the program for a longer period and about 20 % of them were operated on in the course of this program.

[Conclusion] In the treating and rehabilitation for heavy, work lab ours with low back lesions, training program should be applied but stepwise. In such a training program strengthening the abdominal and back muscles as well as the general conditioning are most important.



Sports Rehabilitation of Athletes with Low Back Lesions - How Can We Manage Low-Back Pain in Athletes

Mamoru Okubo (Osaka City Univ., Dept. of Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Surgery, Osaka, Japan), Shingo Otsuki, Nobuhiro Tsuji and Kazushige Tanaka


The purpose of rehabilitation for athletes with low back lesions is to return to their original athletic status. However, there are many problems throughout the rehabilitation program.

1. When can we start the rehabilitation program?

We classify clinical status of athletes under three phases such as acute phase, subacute phase and chronic phase. In acute phase, they should be rest and don't start any exercises until they can walk or do a light exercise. In case of disc surgery, we start exercise 1 - 2 weeks after operation.

2. What kind of exercises are suitable for the rehabilitation of athletes with low back lesions?

According to our experience of intensive training therapy for heavy work labours (Dynamic Therapeutic Exercise System, started in 1974 ), we prescribe programs consist of six grades (Grade E or D is for an acute phase or immediate post operative period and Grade A or AA is for those who can perform partly or fully original sports activities. Grade C and B are for those classified as intermediate subjects.) in order to meet each athlete's physical condition and clinical examination. Exercises in each Grade have various trainings such as weight training, circuit training, jogging or running, swimming and conventional low back exercises.

3. When can we permit athletes to return to their previous sports activity?

We permit athletes to return to previous sports activity after they clear Grade A in principle, however for young athletes under 17 years or female athletes after clearing Grade B.

We will present our clinical results and discuss about problems in sports rehabilitation.





