日本財団 図書館


Accuracy of the formulae of simplified version of Recovery Evaluating System-3 (RES-3) for stroke patients

Atsushi Isagoda (Okayama Prefectural University, Soja, Japan) and Ryuichi Nakamura (National Rehabilitatioin Center for the Disabled, Tokorozawa, Japan)


Accuracy of the formulae of simplified version of Recovery Evaluating System-3 (RES-3) was examined in 128 stroke patients. Using the formulae and demographic data at the admission, the estimated scores of four measures, Motor Age Score (MOA), Manual Function Score (MFS), Barthel Index (BI) and Mini-Mental State (MMS) at 4, 8 and 12 weeks after the admission were obtained. The differences between the measured and the estimated scores were statistically not significant except BI. The measured scores of BI were 3 to 5 points high compared to the estimated ones. When the confidence limits of the differences were tested at a confidence coefficient of 95%, they were within 5% of the full score for MOA, MFS and MMS, and were within 10% for BI. Accordingly, by setting the allowable limit to 596 of the full score around the means, the accuracy of prediction would be more than a probability of 95%. The formulae of simplified version of RES-3 were practically useful.



Prognosis of locomotion function after stroke Atsuhiko Matsunaga, Yukio Kurokawa, Tadashi Kanda, Fumihiko Sakai (Kitasato University, Kanagawa, Japan). Yuko Matsunaga (St. Marianna University, Kanagawa, Japan).


The purpose of this study was to know whether we could predict the prognosis of locomotion function of a patient by using age, sex, and clinical findings at admission.

Demographic, anamnestic, and clinical data were collected on 559 consecutive patients with unilateral supratentorial infarct admitted to the Department of Neurology, Kitasato University Hospital. Functional prognosis was assessed at one month after admission. The outcome state was graded in 5 stage; normal (4), walk alone (3), walk with aids (2), wheelchair (l), and bedridden (O). The following predictors of the prognosis were tested by means of multiple regression analysis; age, sex, size and side of brain lesion, level of consciousness at admission, severity of paresis at admission.

The analysis revealed that the prognosis depended on age, level of consciousness, size of brain lesion and severity of paresis (P<0.01). On the other hand, the prognosis did not depend on sex and side of the lesion. Multiple correlation coefficient between observed and predicted outcome of the patients was 0.64. The results of this study will make it possible for physicians and therapists to better predict locomotion function during the acute stage.





