Dept. Rehab. and Physic. Med., Kagoshima Univ., Japan
[Purpose] Although Kohs' block design test is a good performance test, it is usually too difficult for aged patients. We made a simplified block design test using two or three Kohs' cubes as a more sensitive and time-saving performance test.
[Methods] The simple test consists of 12 designs, i.e., 5 with two cubes and 7 with three cubes. According to the results in 100 normal subjects to combine 12 block designs, Score points of each 12 designs were decided, maxim score 50 points. Then, 60 patients with stroke (64 + 8 yrs, 33 - 86 years old) were evaluated. HDSR or MMS for verval IQ and line bisection or cancellation test for visiospatial agnosia (VSA) were also performed.
[Results] The patients with no VSA, apraxis and dementia could perform easily this simple test (higher than 45 points). The patients with VSA or constructional apraxia could not combine these blocks and the score was very low. The patients who showed improvement in apraxia or VSA by cognitive rehabilitation, had significantly improved in their score of simple block test.
[Conclusion] The simplified block design test is useful as a quantitative performance test of the aged patients.
New trial by means of the computer controlled system to analyze the dysfunction of prefrontal lobe of chronic stroke patients with the lesion on findings of their MRI or CT
Tsunehiko Suzuki, M.D., Akichika Mikami, M.D., Atsuko Okawa, M.D., Ichiro Kajiura, M.D., and Kisou Kubota, M.D.
(The Bobath Memorial Hospital, Osaka, and Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University, Inuyama, Japan)
Purpose: To analyze the dysfunction of the working memory of positions and the visual attention shift in chronic stroke patients.
Method: 12 chronic stroke in-patients with the lesion on findings of their MRI or CT were examined and evaluated the motor time of reaching and the response time for the visual tasks. All tasks were started following the direction of a patient and displayed on the touching screen which was automatically controlled by the computer system. Three kind of tasks (MG,DR and AS)were made for each patient. MG means the simple visuo-motor response test. DR means the delayed response test for the working memory of the positions on the touching screen after masking for 5 seconds. AS means attention shift for visual stimulation which was designed to evaluate the discriminating ability between two similar shapes on touching screen according to Wisconsin card sorting test.
Results: All patients showed mostly fixed motor time of 600-800 msec. In MG test. But that of other two tests had a great variation between 800 msec. and 5 sec. Response time was 300-500 msec. in MG test and 300 msec. -1 sec. In DR test, 600msec. - 5 sec. in AS test.
Conclusions: The function of working memory of the position and of attention shift as prefrontal function have the important role of both the response time and the motor time In behavioral system. Our new trial by means of the computer controlled system was useful to analyze the dysfunction of prefrontal lobe.