Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Neonates
JK Na, M.D., SJ Kim, M.D. and EH Lee, M.D. (Kuro Hospital, Korea University, Seoul, Korea)
This study was performed to get the maturation characteristics in preterm and fullterm neonates.
93 neonates with gestations under 42 weeks and postmenstruations under 45 weeks underwent somatosensory evoked potentials testing.
Median SEPs were normal in 75.3% and abnormal or flat in 24.7% of whole infants. The mean latency, duration and amplitude of the first cortical component (N1) were 25.3±5.4 msec, 16.3±5.5 msec and 1.00±1.27μV each.
Posterior tibial SEPs were normal in 31.2% and abnormal or flat in 68.8% of whole infants. The mean latency, duration and amplitude of the first cortical component (P1) were 44.9±5.6 msec, 17.5±3.9 msec and 0.47±+0.38μV each. This result suggests that the maturation of proximal nervous system develops earlier than the distal system.
Vlasta Tosnerova, (Charles University Hospital), Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Functional disorders can in longer persistence, particularly if started in early childhood, lead to structural alternations. According to up-to-date knowledge, can blockade of craniocervical joints, in consequence of birth stress influence by mediation of deep reflexes the asymmetry of the body. There is possibility for early functional action of these conditions as suitable prevention for later alternation.