F-4-02-02 Sympathetic Skin Response and RR Interval Variation in Primary Fibromyalgia Syndrome
Arasil, Tansu
Ankara Univ. / Turkey
F-4-02-03 Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity during Cold Pressor Test in CVA Patients
Mizushima, Takashi
Univ.of Occupational and Environmental Health / Japan
F-4-02-04 Thermographic Parameters in the Diagnosis of Raynaud's Syndrome
Univ.of Vienna / Austria
F-4-02-05 Evaluation of Therapeutic Exercise: Applying Thermography
Kanie, Ryoichi
Nagoya City Univ. /Japan
F-4-02-06 Measuring Temperature Changes in Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Oerlemans, Margreet H.
Univ. Hospital Nijmegen / The Netherlands
F-4-02-07 Prevention of Shoulder Hand Syndrome after Stroke Effect of Passive Movement Restriction
Kondo, Izumi
Hirosaki Univ. /Japan
F-4-02-08 The Autonomic Nerve Response in Lower Limbs by Electorical Stimulation on Tibial Nerve
Aramaki, Shunzo
Kyoto Prefectural Rehabilitation Hospital for the Disabled /Japan
F-4-03 Room H Time 09:00〜11:00
Psycho-Social Rehabilitation
Chairpersons:Dr. Bruno, Auri (PM&R Discipline at UNIFESP/EPM / Brazil)
Dr. Toyokura, Minoru (Tokai Univ. Oiso Hospital /Japan)
F-4-03-01 Our Methods for Psychological Rehabilitation of Hemiparetics with Fear of Falling at the Beginning for Walking
Arnaudov, Gueorgui V.
I City Hospital / Bulgaria
F-4-03-02 Comparison of the Responses to a Memory Training Program between Psychogenic and Organic Amnesias
Izumi, Shinichi
Tokai Univ. /Japan