S-4-04 Room E Time 09:00〜11:00
Functional Outcome Studies in Rehabilitation
Chairpersons:Ms. Wilkerson, Deborah L. (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities / U.S.A.)
Dr. Turner-Stokes, Lynne (Regional Rehabilitation Unit(Fleming Ward) / U.K.)
S-4-04-01 Prediction of Stroke Outcome Using an Artificial Neural Network; Validation Study Performed after a 3-Year Interval
Sonoda, Shigeru
Keio Univ. School of Medicine /Japan
S-4-04-02 Outcome Measurement in Technical Aids: Introduction of the Rehabilitation Technology Useability Model (RTUM)
Grady, Johanna H.
Roessingh Rehabilitation Center / The Netherlands
S-4-04-03 Development of the FIM+FAM as a Common Language in Disability Measurement in the UK
Turner-Stokes, Lynne
Northwick Park Hospital / U.K.
S-4-04-04 Outcomes and Program Performance in Rehabilitation
Wilkerson, Deborah L.
EL-4-01 Main Hall Time 10:00〜11:00
Post-polio Syndrome: Late Biomechanical Effects
Chairperson: Prof. Sobuc, Itsuro (Aichi Medical Univ. /Japan)
EL-4-01-01 Post-Polio Syndrome: Late Biomechanical Effects
Stolov, Walter C.
Univ. of Washington / U.S.A.
PL-5 Main Hall Time 11:15〜12:15
Sidney Licht Memorial Lecture Rehabilitation Medicine in the 21st Century
Chairperson: Prof. Flax, Herman J. (Veterans Affairs Medical Center / U.S.A.)
PL-5-O1 Rehabilitation Medicine in the 21st Century
Grabois, Martin
Baylor College of Medicine / U.S.A.