S-4-02 Room B-1 Time 09:00〜11:00
Rehabilitation in Low Back Pain
Chairpersons:Dr. Okamoto, Gary A. (Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific Univ. of Hawaii / U.S.A.)
Lee, Peter Kang-Woo (Sung Kyun Kwan Univ. / Korea)
S-4-02-01 Changes in Low Back Muscle Condition and Psychological Complaints after the Roessingh Back School Program
Wever, Daan
Roessingh Rehabilitation Center / The Netherlands
S-4-02-02 The Role of Therapeutic Exercises in Patients with Low-Back Pain
Shirado, Osamu
Hokkaido Univ. /Japan
S-4-02-03 Rating of Permanent Lumbosacral Impairment in the Chronic Pain Patient
Okamoto, Gary A.
Univ. of Hawaii / U.S.A.
S-4-02-04 Rehabilitation in Low Back Pain
Lee, Peter K.W.
Sung Kyun Kwan Univ. / Korea
WS-4-01 Room B-2 Time 09:00〜11:00
Talk to Editors
Chairperson: Dr. DeLisa, Joel Alan (UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School / U.S.A.)
WS-4-01-01 The Science of Adult Learning
Braddom, Carolyn L.
Association of Academic Physiatrists / U.S.A.
WS-4-O1-02 Listen to the Editors
Hook, Olle
Uppsala Univ. / Sweden