日本財団 図書館

P-3-03 Event Hall Time 13:00〜13:30

Amputation / Prosthetics


P-3-03-01 The Prefectural Rehabilitation Center's Role as a Limb Fitting Center

Nagao, Tatsuro

Toyama Prcfectural Koshi Rehabilitation Hospital /Japan


P-3-03-02 Is It Possible to Lower the Amputation Level and to Improve Outcomes of Rehabilitation in Patients with Critical Ischemia

Zoloyev, Georgy K.

Orthopaedic Centre for Rehabilitation of Disabled People / Russia


P-3-03-03 The Gritty's Amputation as a Method of Choice for Treatment of Patients with Critical Lower-Extremity Ischemia

Berman, Arkady M.

Orthopaedic Centre for Rehabilitation of Disabled People / Russia


P-3-03-04 A 7-Year-Old Patient with Hip Disarticulation--The Process of Overcoming the Physical and Mental Trauma--

Irie, Seigo

Kyoto Univ. Hospital /Japan


P-3-03-05 The Efficacy of PCI (Physiological Cost Index) Measurement of a Subject Walking with an Intelligent Prosthesis

Chin, Takaaki

Hyogo Rehabilitation Center /Japan


P-3-03-06 From EMG Controlling to "Regenerated Finger" Controlling Artificial Hand The Recent Achievement in Rehabilitation

Engineering Hu, Tianpei

Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. / China


P-3-03-07 Amputations among Adult Spina Bifida Patients: A Case Review

Marlowe, Evan S.

Graduate Hospital / U.S.A.


P-3-04 Event Hall Time 13:00〜13:30



P-3-04-01 Designing a Hip Joint Moment Reduction Brace by Using Finite Element Method

Watanabe, Yuichi

Kurume Univ./Japan


P-3-04-02 Conservative Treatment Using Orthosis for Thoracic Outlet

Syndrome Yamaga, Makio

Kumamoto Univ. /Japan





