PL-3 Main Hall Time 09:00〜10:00
Organized Clinical Management System in Rehabilitation
Chairperson: Dr. Chino, Naoichi (School of Medicine, Keio Univ. /Japan)
PL-3-01 Organized Clinical Management Systems in Rehabilitation
Melvin, John L.
Temple Univ. / U.S.A.
SP-3-01-A Room C-I Time 09:30〜09:40
International O.T. Symposium
SP-3-01-A-01 Address
Terayama, Kumiko
Tokyo Metropolitan College of Allied Medical Sciences /Japan
SP-3-01-B Room C-1 Time 09:45〜10:30
International O.T. Symposium
SP-3-01-B-01 Occupational Therapy: The New Millennium
Evert, Mary M.
Washington Univ. / U.S.A.
SP-3-01-C Room C-1 Time 10:30-11:15 International O.T. Symposium
SP-3-01-C-01 Developing Occupational Therapy in the Asian Region
Vytialingam, Nathan