S-2-04 Room C-2 Time lO:30〜12:30
Functional Outcome in Stroke
Chairpersons:Prof. Fugl-Meyer, Axel R. (Uppsala Univ. / Sweden)
Dr. Miyano, Satoshi (The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine / Japan)
S-2-04-01 On Measurement of Outcome in Stroke Rehabilitation
Fugl-Meyer, Axel R.
Uppsala Univ. / Sweden
S-2-04-02 Haemorrhagic Stroke VS Ischaemic Stroke: Length of Stay and Functional Outcome Measure in Stroke Survivors
Li, Leonard S.W.
Tung Wah Hospital / Hong Kong, China
S-2-04-03 Prediction of Motor Recovery Following Vascular Hemiplegia
Miyano, Satoshi
The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine / Japan
S-2-04-04 Predictivity of the Stroke Outcome by Means of the FIM Scale.
A Critical Experience
Marano, Pietro
Univ. of Chieti & Rehabilitation Inst. Villa Salus Augusta / Italy
S-2-04-05 Funcional (Disabilities and Handicaps) Evolution in Hemiplegics: A Long Term Follow-Up
Lains, Jorge Manuel
Coimbra Univ. Hospital / Portugal
S-2-05 Main Hall Time 13:30〜15:30
Sports by People with Disabilities
Chairpersons:Dr.Steadward, Robert D. (Univ. of Alberta / Canada)
Dr. Hatsuyama, Yasuhiro (National Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled /Japan)
S-2-05-01 The Paralympic Movement--A Championship Future
Steadward, Robert D.
Univ. of Alberta / Canada
S-2-05-02 Role of Fespic in Sports Movements of Asia & South Pacific
Hatada, Kazuo
Japan Sun Industries /Japan
S-2-05-03 Medical Aspects of Sports for Persons with a Disability
Richter, Kenneth J.
Michigan State Univ. / U.S.A.