PL-2 Main Hall Time 09:00〜10:00
Evaluation in Rehabilitation Medicine
Chairperson:Prof. Dr. Mauritz, Karl-Heinz (Klinik Berlin / Germany)
PL-2-01 Evaluation in Rehabilitation Medicine
Wade, Derick T.
Rivermead Rehabilitation Centre / U.K.
S-2-01 Main Hall Time 10:30〜12:30
The Role of Oriental Medicine in Pain Management (Joint Symposium with the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine)
Chairpersons:Prof. Chun, Sae-I1 (Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine / Korea)
Prof. Hirasawa, Yasusuke (Kyoto Prefectural Univ. of Medicine /Japan)
S-2-01-01 Polymodal Receptors: A Possible Physiological Candidate for Understanding of Acupuncture Action and Acupuncture Points
Kawakita, Kenji
Meiji Univ. of Oriental Medicine /Japan
S-2-01-02 The Role of Oriental Medicine in Pain Management
Andersson, Sven A.
Goteborg Univ. / Sweden
S-2-01-03 The Role of Oriental Medicine in the Management of Pain How Acupuncture Works
Oda, Hirohisa
Meiji College of Oriental Medicine / U.S.A.
S-2-01-04 The Meridian Test--A New Acupuncture System
Mukaino, Yoshito
Fukuoka Univ./Japan
S-2-01-05 Acupuncture--Part of a Multimodal Rehabilitation Concept for Orthopedic Patients
Kolblinger, Gerald
Erlangen Univ. / Germany
S-2-01-06 The Role of Oriental Medicine in Pain Management
Chun, Sae-I1
Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine / Korea