It gives me a great pleasure to invite you to attend the Eighth World Congress of the International Rehabilitation Medicine Association to be held in Kyoto, Japan, August 31-September 4, 1997. This meeting, as the previous World Congresses of the International Rehabilitation Medicine Association, will provide you with superb educational and social programs. It will also allow you to network with rehabilitation professionals from around the world.
Having visited Kyoto, I can assure you that this city is unique and beautiful with outstanding convention facilities. Flying to this meeting will open the entire Orient to you and give you an opportunity to visit the rest of Japan, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Philippines and Indonesia.
Doctors Ueda, Chino, Nakamura, and Ishigami as well as the entire Organizing Committee have spent the last three years successfully organizing this meeting. There is only one thing left to make it truly successful and that is your attendance and participation.
Please consider submitting a paper or consider submitting a presentation for one of the many symposia or workshops. In any case, register now and plan to attend IRMA VIII, explore beautiful Japan and meet your colleagues from around the world.
President:Martin Grabois M.D.
Past President: Arturo Molina-Arino, M.D.
President Elect: Satoshi Ueda, M.D.
First Vice President: William Peek, M.D.
Second Vice President: Thomas Strax, M.D.
Regional Vice Presidents
Asia / Pacific: Angela Tulaar-Ranti, M.D.
North America: Richard Materson, M.D.
Europe: Pietro Marano, M.D.
Africa and Mideast:Haim Ring, M.D.
Caribbean, Latin, Central and South America:Fernando Hugh Sotelano, M.D.
Jorge Rodriguez Diaz, M.D.
Secretary General:Ashok Muzumdar, M.D.
Assistant Secretary General: Daniel Wever, M.D.
Treasurer:Andrew Cole, M.D.
First Assistant Treasurer: Jan P. Everett, M.D.
Second Assistant Treasurer: Shigenobu Ishigami, M.D.
IFPMR Liaison: Robert Oakeshott, M.D.
WHO Liaison: Jose Jimenez, M.D.
RIMC Liaison: Gunnar Schioler, M.D.
CIOMS Liaison: Hans Jurg Hachen, M.D.
IRMA VIII Liaison: Satoshi Miyano, M.D.
Historian: Herman J.Flax, M.D.
Members at Large: Anthony Clarke, M.D., John Melvin, M.D., Tyrone Reyes, M.D.
Executive Director:Donna K.Jones
Martin Grabois, M.D. (International Rehabilitation Medicine Association)
Tyrone Reyes, M.D. (International Rehabilitation Medicine Association)
William Peek, M.D. (International Rehabilitation Medicine Association)
Robert Oakeshott, M.D. (International Federation of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)
John L.Melvin, M.D. (International Federation of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)
Susan Parker (Rehabilitation International)
Enrico Pupulin, M.D. (World Health Organization)
Hans Jurg Hachen, M.D. (Council for International Organizations of Medical
James F.Garrett (World Rehabilitation Fund)