日本財団 図書館

Labour force status

According to the type of activities during the week from 24th to 30th of September 1995, all persons aged 15 and over are classified as the chart on the left page.



"Industry" of an employed person refers to the kind of business of the establishment where he/she worked during the week before the census date. If a person worked in two or more establishments, "industry" is decided by that of the establishment where he/she worked most.

The Industrial classification used for the 1995 Population Census is based on the Standard Industrial Classification for Japan, revised in October 1993, with some arrangements to be suited for the 1995 Population Census. It consists of 216 minor groups, 77 medium groups and 14 major groups.

In this report, the major groups of the industrial classification are in some cases integrated into the following three groups:

A. Primary industry: Agriculture, forestry, fisheries

B. Secondary industry: Mining, construction, manufacturing

C. Tertiary industry: Electricity, gas, heat supply and water, transport and communication, wholesale and retail trade and eating and drinking places, financing and insurance, real estate, services, government not elsewhere classified

The remaining major group is "N. Establishment not adequately described".



The first and second levels of education in Japan are divided into elementary school (6 years), Iower secondary school (3 years), and upper secondary school (3 years). Compulsory education comprises 9 years of elementary school and lower secondary school. There are three types of institutions of higher education; universities, junior colleges and colleges of technology. There are also training schools and miscellaneous schools for vocational and practical training.


VITAL STATISTICS (Statistics and Information Department, Ministry of Health and Welfare)

A survey on vital statistics has been conducted since 1872. Subsequently in 1899, the Cabinet Bureau of Statistics took charge to bring the survey into conformity with the Civil registration Law as amended in 1898. Then in 1945, the survey system was completely revised, taking the termination of the war as an opportunity. In 1947, the survey was legalized as the Designated statistics No.5 and the jurisdiction of the survey was transferred to the Ministry of health and Welfare in September of the same year.

Findings of the survey are obtained from the questionnaires on live birth, death, marriage, divorce or foetal death. Those declaration should be submitted to the head of shi (cities),





