日本財団 図書館






Sandee Chen's first attempt at songwriting was a dance song she wrote to help her sister who was crazy for dancing. She received an award for this song and, since then, has never stopped her passion for creation. Her creativity paved the way for the inclusion of two of her songs. "Treasures My Love" and "Think of You in the Night" in Jeff Chang's album Known. Though these two songs were about love, her versatility was shown through her rock composition "Grass Beside the Road" which was included in Facing, an album by Peter Hwang.


One of her most creative works was her album Cherry Tree Chopped Off by Washington. Sandee performed this album akin to the forms of modern poetry. She wanted to distribute the meaning of the lyrics, went beyond the theories of traditional arrangement and kept her music free. Sandee completed this album purely from a home studio which was a venue for her to experiment. She sometimes stood in the middle of the hall or sat by a window and just sang. And this experimentation shows in her recordings. Sandee went one more step beyond and designed the cover and inlays of this album. She drew small pictures and wrote short articles that could explain further the meaning of her lyrics.





