The Federation of World Volunteer Firefighters Associations was officially recognized by the United Nations as a nongovernmental organization (NGO) in June 1983, and was the first firefighting-related organization to be so recognized. As of April 1996, 145 countries and areas, about 75 percent of all the world's nations, are members of the Federation.
At its Fifth General Conference in Tokyo in 1993, the Federation, with the countries of the world working together to make an international contribution and strive for the peaceful and safe, comfortable society that all people desire, designated December 1, the anniversary of its founding, as World Volunteer Firefighters' Day.
Each year on World Volunteer Firefighters' Day, various national events are carried out in various regions in the member countries, and awareness of the meaning of volunteer firefighting is thus renewed and the internationalization of firefighting is promoted.
On December 1, 1994, the first World Volunteer Firefighters' Day, a commemorative ceremony was held at the Federation office; the Japan Firefighters' Hall, and an exhibition of fire prevention clothing was opened.