日本財団 図書館

As we belong to the hotel industry, let me explain about the present situation of hotel accommodation. Presently, there are 255,573 guest rooms in Thailand. This number includes all ranks from one star to five stars, but excludes guest houses used for overnight accommodation only. In Bangkok, guest rooms amount to 48,801 and the average length of guest's stay is 2.36 days. Patthaya comes second with 24,263 rooms and 3.31 days. Next is Phuket with 18,529 rooms and 4.6 days. Chiang Mai has 12,910 rooms with 2.52 days. These averages however, include local travelers. In regard to tourists from specific regions, the length of stay throughout Thailand is 12.16 days for European tourists, 8.87 days for Oceanic tourists, and 5.05 days for Asian tourists. As far as individual countries are concerned, it is 14.11 days for both Germany and Switzerland and 5.52 days for Japan. The average stay has increased in recent years.
One of the reasons for this is that the term for which no visa is required for tourists has been extended to 30 days from the previous 15 days. This enables tourists, especially European people who usually make longer trips, to travel to not only one but a few sightseeing spots in the country. This is a great advantage for us in the hotel industry.
On the other hand, there is a disadvantage. Thailand has dry and rainy seasons, the dry sea-son being from November to April and the rainy season from May to October. The term "rainy sea-son" does not mean that it rains all day but rather that there are showers only once or twice a day. Nevertheless, tourists favor the dry season. For example, Phuket is a beach resort and guest rooms are filled up with tourists at any hotel at this time of the year, but during the rainy season the room occupancy figure suddenly drops. The occupancy figure is only 30 % in this season com-pared to 100 % in the dry season. Therefore, the average yearly occupancy rate stands at 61.95%.
A similar situation is also seen in other tourist spots and we have initiated various services in order to attract tourists during the less popular period. One of the measures we launched in the 1990-91 period is what we call a three plus one service, in which tourists are only charged for three nights stay when they stay for four nights during the rainy season. We are also trying other attractive promotional services. Tourists can stay seven nights for the price of five, in addition to various discounts on rent-a-car and so on. Guests coming for a special meeting receive a package rate and various other advantages. A package especially for ladies is also prepared. Therefore, May is the most highly recommended time to travel to Thailand, since it doesn't rain too much, and various extra services are available in addition to lower room charges.
In the rainy season, city hotels also suffer from fewer guests. To promote their business, they provide rent-free portable personal telephones, a scheme which has become very popular among guests, for it is difficult to keep appointments in the cities due to poor transportation services. Also provided is a free suit pressing service. Service for Japanese guests includes delivery of newspapers in the early morning.
Now, let me explain about my hotel. The Dusit Group has a developed hotel business in Thailand and hotels are classified in three categories. One is the deluxe category represented by Dusit Hotels & Resorts located at 8 places in Thailand with a total of 2,033 guest rooms. Another is the first class category represented by Royal Princess Hotels & Resorts located at 14 places with 2,790 rooms. The third is the low class, or second class category of the Thani Group, including 15 hotels with 2,380 rooms. The reason the Dusit Group is divided into three such categories is in order to meet the varying needs of tourists, ranging from luxury to economy accommodation.
While business activities in Thailand are carried out with each group in close communication with the others, overseas activities are conducted as one body. The Kenpinski Hotel Group, which has its headquarters in Germany, is owned by the Dusit group. As such the overseas offices of each group are operated in cooperation. Each hotel




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