日本財団 図書館

varied aspects of a Japanese tourism experience.
Likewise there are negative perceptions in potential source markets about the cost of a holiday in Japan and the complexity of travelling in Japan. This is very similar to initial consumer attitudes about visiting Australia. There also appears to be a need to identify some key markets and study consumer attitudes to Japan to determine what Japanese experiences are most likely to create a desire to visit. And finally the packaging and delivery of the Japanese product appears not to be well-suited to the independent tourists from Europe. America or Australia. Changing perceptions will require a significant investment in marketing Japan internationally to build a strong desire to visit.
As we have found, it is appropriate for government to invest in such campaigns due to the broad economic benefits flowing through to the community. Working with industry, the national tourism body could perhaps encourage the Japanese industry to design and distribute domestic tourism products that better suit foreign travellers and their buying habits. Packages that provide value and flexibility should be the primary focus. Finally to support brand advertising an extensive publicity campaign and visiting journalist program could be implemented to correct negative perceptions through worldwide media.
I believe that Japan has many advantages which you can promote:
- It is a physically beautiful country with mystical appeal to Westerners.
- Japanese culture and cuisine is extremely appealing. Japan could use this as their central focus just as Australia uses its natural environment.
Japan has a well developed infrastructure, transportation and hotels are of excellent quality. Your cost structures are no longer as prohibitive as they used to be. I know of a number of countries which are as expensive to visit, therefore you could work to refute negative perceptions by subtly publicizing comparisons. We do this in tactical marketing in the USA.
Japan's people are friendly and welcoming and finally Japan has excellent air connections to all parts of the world, largely instituted to carry out-bound tourism from Japan. The negotiation of discount "back loading" rates with airlines may be possible, making a holiday in Japan a feasible option for people from western countries, such as Australia. This could mean that through creative packaging Japan can effectively subsidize tourism in a way that will allow you to offset some of the costs involved in travel within Japan itself.
Looking at the Japanese situation, I see many comparable challenges to the ones we have faced in Australia. We are both islands and geographically isolated from some of the biggest markets in Europe and the United States. We also still maintain a mysterious appeal which can be an advantage in marketing. I feel that Japan is constrained by its own perceptions of its limitations as a tourist destination. It must break through these self imposed barriers because they are not real barriers.
I look forward to the day when inbound tourism becomes as important a part of your economy as it is for Australia and other tourism destinations such as France, the UK and the United States. There is not doubt in my mind that two-way tourism is beneficial to all, both economically and culturally. There is no reason why Japan should not have a strong and thriving inbound tourism sector. Thank you for your time today.
Mr. Abe : Thank you. Mr. Hutchison. Also in Japan, it has become very popular for young people to travel to Australia. According to Mr. Hutchison, the present boom seems to be the result of cooperation between the government and non-governmental sectors that has been carried out strategically over the past 10 years. I was especially impressed by the attitude they demonstrate as they proceed to reevaluate their country's appeal and previous successful strategies and promote their positive aspects, carrying out a thorough survey, and providing necessary information




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