日本財団 図書館

sophisticated analysis. Over 2 years, we developed a global campaign that involved thorough research of consumers, competitors, and the reaction to Australia's products in each major market. The aim was to identify and focus on what there is about Australia which motivates consumers to visit. This was a strategy not to tackle our "negatives" but to emphasise our positives. This is an important point, resistance can be overcome by powerful desires.
For sensible cost control and maximum effect we have created a strategy where global elements such as our natural environment, our youthfulness and energy appear in all ads. But local factors which relate to local perceptions and expectations are incorporated into each country's campaign. In all our advertising we emphasise Australia's friendly welcoming people. Such is the influence of our campaigns, Australia is one of the strongest brands in the world.
In 1994 the international advertising agency Young and Rubicam did a study of 21 countries and 450 global brands. They found that Australia was one of the most powerful brands in the world and possessed "a stunning amount of brand vitality". The ATC's tracking research also shows that Australia is among the most popular travel destinations in 8 of 14 key markets. These include the United States, Korea, and Japan, where we have been rated number one preferred destination for 8 consecutive years. This popularity has been reinvigorated by the ATC's global campaign that generated a new and unique brand and logo.
(Show slide 4: ATC Corporate Logo).
The logo and campaign incorporate all the positive elements of Australia:
1- The environment
2- Flora and fauna
3- The colour, climate and light
4- Our youthfulness and contemporary energy
We are in the process of encouraging wide industry use of this logo and we will be charging for commercial use of this logo which earns us income.
I'd now like to show you our current television campaigns, starting with the one we use in Japan.
(Roll video segment I - ATC Japan Ad - Runs 1 minute, fades to black)
In Japan, there is high awareness of Australia's natural scenery and beaches but low awareness of city life, shopping and cultural attractions. But the Japanese are cosmopolitan people. So we set out to correct this deficiency by saying Australia is a "country of surprises" with lots of variety. "You can ski one day and suntan the next." In Europe, our advertising is quite different, as you will see here.
(Roll video segment 2 - ATC Europe Ad - Runs 1 minute, fades to black)
Europeans see Australia as a mystical place, so different to Europe that it holds a unique fascination. We play on the emotions of Europeans (particularly Germans) to offset the long distances involved. Our indigenous culture is also a powerful drawcard.
Our advertising for North America is different again. Because of the common language, Americans are more people oriented in their visits. They want to meet and mix with Australians - have fun and explore - they see us as the Wild West Aussie style. So we use these images in our campaign, as you can see here.
(Roll video segment 3 - ATC USA Ad Runs 1 minute, fades to black)
Or advertising for Asia - Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Indonesia has quite a different focus. The freedom Australia offers young people from Asia, particularly young women, has great appeal. We injected excitement into the ad and Western-style city life, which is a very important holiday drawcard, particularly shop-




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