日本財団 図書館

participants of the grand tour.
Another result of the grand tour can be seen in the Italian influence brought back by the English gentlemen's children. For example, the style of the English mansion changed significantly in the 18th century. This was followed by the changing of gardens, museum styles, and appreciation of paintings, as well as fine arts and paintings themselves. On returning home, those who had traveled to Italy wanted to immediately imitate the style and display methods they had seen there. In today's museums we look at pictures one at a time, but until the time of the grand tour, the English usually hung up their whole collection together to show off how many pieces they had.
What was brought back by those who had experienced the grand tour was the visual experience of seeing paintings side by side, one after another while moving around a room. A new style of 18th century gentlemen's mansions developed, whereby the bedroom, guest room and living room were all connected by a long corridor, rather than the old-fashioned style of having one large central hall, each room was equipped with a stroll style painting. At the same time a new garden style appeared in the form of landscape gardens where people can enjoy different scenery from different positions, while appreciating trees reflected on water and architecture shaded by trees. Furthermore, fine art tended to incorporate Italian landscapes, which had been seen in Rome and Naples.
Therefore, the grand tour did not merely import or bring back Italian things to Britain, but it produced a new style of fine arts, and in addition to affecting art appreciation, the influence stretched to architecture and gardens. Thanks to the Tour, Britain entered a new stage in the enrichment of its culture. Indeed, without the grand tour, Paris could not have been so prosperous, and the styles of fine arts, architecture, and gardens could not have changed in the way they did, or have influenced a new generation.
In this way, travel is something which brings about energy, mobilization and revitalization. Why is this so? In my opinion, travel can be defined as 'moving curiosity', but according to the Ministry of Transport and public offices, it is defined as more than just staying for one night or more away from home, and is likely to contain certain formalities. However, travel is something done for pleasure and consumption, therefore it seems to me that we had better define it as 'moving curiosity' or 'fulfillment of curiosity together with mobilization.' In other words, if there were no curiosity then mobilization and travel would not take place. The objects of curiosity are not necessarily tourism resources for it varies from person to person and a hundred people have a hundred objects of interest of their own and although the present tourism attractions have only been established because they draw the interest and curiosity of quite many people, we have no way to decide specifically what are the tourism resources.
When I was in England I met my nephew at the airport for it was his first visit to the country. On my first visit to London, I wanted to see everything; Westminster. Hyde Park and so on, but he was different. Being a young university student then, he wanted to set out for the F1 Racing in Hungary, and London was a only a stopover place to him. There was nothing of interest for him there, although he had learnt of Westminster, the Thames and Hyde Park from a school textbook. For him F1 Racing was top priority and Hungary was the best place to see it.
Hence interests differ greatly depending on the person. In this modern age, one is curious about and interested in a wide range of things and places. This being the case, the present tourist spots which are blessed with tourism resources cannot count on their successful position forever, but on the other hand, others have to be examined again if they claim to have no such resources. According to my definition of travel and tourism, 'fulfillment of curiosity through mobilization' or 'moving curiosity', we must change our way of thinking when considering the objects of travel and tourism.




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