日本財団 図書館


assumption that facilities meant to act as bases for disaster prevention do not function, ensuring a back-up system of disaster prevention related facilities and equipment, and considering measures to mobilize staff members at night and during holidays.

6 Wide-area support systems

With regard to the wide-area support by local public bodies such as emergency fire fighting relief teams, a system allowing quick and accurate judgment and smooth procedures must be prepared.
Especially, since wide-area support in an earthquake disaster must be carried out in terms of human and material support both quickly and efficiently, each public body should work to conclude wide-area support agreements with other public bodies, and to clarify in the regional disaster prevention plan their plans for wide-area support.

7 The promotion of tidal wave preparations.

For municipalities on remote islands and in coastal areas, evacuation routes and shelters must be set up, the regional disaster prevention plan must be reviewed on the basis of disaster prevention assessment, and an advanced information communication system using on-line systems for the quick and reliable transmission of tidal wave warnings must be consolidated.

8 Promoting local residents disaster prevention activities and training volunteers

(1) Raising disaster-prevention consciousness and encouraging participation in disaster- prevention drills
Immediately after the occurrence of a disaster, the independent rescue fire fighting and evacuation guidance activities of voluntary disaster-





