日本財団 図書館


2 Consolidation and strengthening of fire-fighting services

(1) Consolidation and strengthening of fife-fighting services
Fire fighting staff members, who are in the front line of fire-fighting activities, should be deployed with consideration to the actual circumstances of the region; substantial education and training should be provided, equipment should be improved and mobilization power intensified.
(2) Diversification of water usage in fire fighting
In the Hanshin-Awaji earthquake disaster, fire hydrants could not be used because of the cut off of the water supply and this caused difficulties in fire fighting activities. In future, when water resources for fire fighting are being considered, it will be necessary to promote the development of natural water supplies such as river water and sea water, to set up earthquake-proof water tanks, fire fighting water tanks and fire fighting water supply systems using sea water, as well as the development of ways of fire-fighting fire with a meagre water supply.
(3) Activating fife fighting teams
Fire fighting teams are a powerful force in improving local grass-roots disaster prevention and ensuring the safety of local residents.
Thus it is necessary to strengthen these teams, equip them fully, and activate them by encouraging young men and women to join the teams.

3 Strengthening of fife fighting facilities to deal with earthquake disaster

With regard to improving fife fighting facilities to deal with earthquake disaster, the government is helping with the provision of facilities to deal with large-scale earthquake and fire disaster, such





