(2) Financial Support to Local Governments for Earthquake Preparation
1. Earthquake Preparation Special Projects
The Fire Defence Agency has taken various measures such as the establishment of a Grant System for earthquake preparation facilities in order to promote earthquake preparation by local governments. Following on from the Guidelines for Preparation for the South Kanto Earthquake, the Fire Defence Agency set up the Earthquake Countermeasures Special Projects within the Disaster Countermeasures City Planning Project in 1993. The management of central evacuation sites, local wireless communication networks, helicopter landing sites, earthquake resistant public facilities within evacuation sites and disaster information systems are included as part of the Earthquake Countermeasures Special Projects. These Projects are funded by local loans (Local General Management Project Loan) approved by the Fire Defence Agency, and the repayment of the loan is funded by local allocation tax (general allocation tax) determined by standard financial demand. Through these measures, the Fire Defence Agency gives financial support to independent projects by local government.
Outline of Earthquake Preparation Special Projects