日本財団 図書館


3. Earthquake Preparation Projects by the Fire Defence Agency

In order to reduce the damage from earthquake and to prevent earthquake disaster, the Fire Defence Agency works to consolidate the fire defence system, personnel, facilities and equipment. In accordance with the Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act and the Large Scale Earthquake Preparations Act, the Fire Defence Agency relays communications between the National Government and the local governments. The Fire Defence Agency gives advice on development of the Local Disaster Prevention Plan, the Earthquake Preparation Intensification Plan and the Earthquake Emergency- Response Plan. It also gives national disaster training, teaches natural disaster prevention awareness and conducts research into earthquake preparation measures. Since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995, the Fire Defence Agency has given advice to re-evaluate the Local Disaster Prevention Plan so that the plan will be executed promptly and efficiently.


In order to quickly extinguish fire caused by earthquake and to reduce the aftermath and spread of fire, proper management of hazardous materials and the upkeep of fire engines, fire hydrants, earthquake resistant water tanks and portable mobile pumps are carried out by the Fire Defence Agency.
In order to strengthen the tsunami warning system, a natural disaster information system, including a magnitude information network system is being prepared. Besides these grant projects, local governments have their own projects. These projects are funded by the Local Allocation Tax and local loans. The Japan Lottery Association (Foundation) also subsidizes the erection of earthquake evacuation signs and temporary housing tents.





