In particular, we call "direct-hit" earthquakes those generated near the surface, characterized by a vertical heaving and a great horizontal shaking, causing localized catastrophe. This is the type of earthquake experienced in Kobe in January 1995.
1 Right lateral fault
2 Normal fault
3 Left lateral fault
4 Tension
5 Reverse fault
6 Pressure
Figure 4:Various Types of Faults
(2)The recent situation regarding earthquakes in Japan
Japan is known for the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, especially in the districts listed below. Of course, it has to be sald that we cannot be assured that earthquakes will not occur in other regions.
(i)From the Kanto District to the south of Hokkaido, through the Sanriku coast
This area has a lot of small quakes and some large ones, accompanied by tidal waves which aggravate the damage.