日本財団 図書館



On the Hydoroelastic Responses of a Flexible Floating Structure with Shallow Draft
矢後清和* 千秋貞仁* 大久保寛*** 遠藤久芳* 関田欣治**
Kiyokazu Yago Sadayoshi Chiaki Hiroshi Ohkubo Hisayoshi Endo Kinji Sekita
*運輸省船舶技術研究所 東京都三鷹市新川6−38−1
Ship Research Institute 6-38-1,Sinkawa.Mitaka,Tokyo 181,Japan
**東海大学海洋学部 静岡県清水市折戸3−20−1
School of Marine Science and Technology,Tokai University3-20-1
Orido.Shimizu,Shizuoka 424.Japan
***新日本製鐵株式会社 相模原市西橋本5−9−1
Nippon Steel Corporation 5-9-1.Nishihashimoto.Sagamihara,Kanagawa 229,Japan
KEYWORD: Large floating structure. Mege-Float, Hydroelasticity
A pontoon type large floating structure was highlighted since The Floating Structures Association of Japan proposed a new concept as a floating airport in 1994 .
The structure is supposed to be mat-like structure with length of 4 to 5 kilometers and depth of 5 meters. It has been pointed out that hydroelastic response plays significant role in such flat and flexible structures. The concept was further developed by The Technological Research Association of Mega-Float which was established in 1995. They constructed a 300 meter long prototype structure to carry out at-se a experiment.
The authors carried out tank tests to investigate hydroelastic response of the prototype structure using its scale model. The model was designed under the law of similitude to have elastically similar bending rigidity with 300 meter long prototype structure. The analysis method based on 2-D structure and 2-D fluid modeling has been established in which the structure is approximated as a rectangular plate and the hydrodynamic characteristics is evaluated using the pressure distribution method based on the zero-draft Green function. The equation of motion, in which the interaction between structure and fluid is taken into account, is solved by the direct procedure. The calculated results show quite satisfactory agreement with the experiment and the study has highlighted some remarkable characteristics concerning hydroelastic behavior.




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