日本財団 図書館



The Estimations of Hydrodynamic Force on A Very Large Floating Body by The Pressure Distribution Method
居駒 知樹 Tomoki Ikoma
日本大学大学院理工学研究科 Graduate School of Science & Technology, Nihon University
増田 光一 Koichi Masuda
日本大学理工学部 Nihon University College of Science & Technology
海洋建築工学科Department of Oceanic Architecture & Engineering
〒274 千葉県船橋市習志野台7-24-1
7-24-1, Narashinodai, Funabashi-shi, Chiba-ken 274, Japan
Tel. 0474-69-5386
前田 久明 Hisaaki Maeda
宮島 省吾 Shogo Miyajima
東京大学生産技術研究所 Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
〒106 千葉県船橋市習志野台7-24-1
7-22-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, Japan
清水 建一朗 Kenichro Shimizu
日本大学大学院理工学研究科 Graduate School of Science & Technology, Nihon University
Very large floating body, Pressure distribution method, Wave drift force, Hydroelasticity, Numerical accuracy, Shallow water
When a very large floating structure, such as a floating airport, is designed the authors have to estimate reliable hydroelastic responses at any point of the structure. The authors have developed the estimating method which is the pressure distribution method of the hydroelastic responses of the very large pontoon type floating structure in deep water condition. In this paper, the results of hydroelastic responses of the structure in shallow water condition are shown. Furthermore. wave drift forces by the experiment and the calculate are illustrated and investigated.
1. 緒言




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