日本財団 図書館



豊福高志1, 北里洋1, 川幅穂高2
1.静岡市大谷836 静岡大学理学部地球科学教室
2.つくば市東1−1−3 通商産業省工業技術院地質調査所海洋地質部
Experimental evaluation on Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of cultivated benthic foraminiferal tests as a sea water temperature proxy
Takashi TOYOFUKU1, Hiroshi KlTAZATO1, Hodaka KAWAHATA2
1. Institute of Geosciences. Shizuoka University. Ohya 836. Shizuoka city.
2. Department of Marine Geology. Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, Higashi 1-1-3. Tsukuba city.
KEYWORDS: Mg/Ca ratio, Sr/Ca ratio, benthic foraminifera., laboratory culture, paleotemperature proxy
This study suggests Mg and Sr contents of benthic foraminiferal tests changes in well relation to water temperature. The Mg and Sr contents in the biogenic calcium carbonate are used to estimate ancient sea water temperatures, though this method has established with the calcium carbonate that has grown under unstable natural conditions. There are no proofs whether Mg and Sr contents in the calcium carbonates are actually related to ambient water temperature. In this study, Mg and Sr contents in the carbonates were measured for tests of benthic foramninifer Quinqueloculina yabei Asano that were cultured under controlled laboratory conditions at four different temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25℃) and a constant salinity. The experimental results show that Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios are well related to water temperature. However, amounts of Mg and Sr contents differ very much in comparison to previous study. This means that the Mg and Sr contents in the biogenic calcium carbonates are different among each taxa and they also have various amounts from species to species. Annual changes of Mg and Sr contents of foraminiferal tests of Glabrarefla opercularis (d'Obigny) were also measured Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios with water temperature of Omaezaki port are consistent with the experimental results. The Mg/Ca and the Sr/Ca ratios of benthic foraminiferal tests may be useful as a proxy for water temperature in the ancient ocean.
過去の海水温を推定する手段として、生物源炭酸カルシウムの硬組織中のアルカリ土類金属の含有貴を測定する方法がある(例えば、Beck et al.,19921)など)。これは次のような原理に基づく。海洋生物が炭酸カルシウムを沈着する時、徴量のMgやSrをCaと一緒に取り込む。海水中のMgやSrなどのアルカリ土類金属の含有量は、どこでもほぼ一定である(例えば、Broecker and peng,19822)ので、生物源炭酸カルシウム中のMg/Ca比やSr/Ca比に温度依存性があれば、それを海水の温度計として利用できる。
生物源炭酸カルシウムのMg/Ca比が海水温の指標として適用出来るかどうかは、現在議論されているところである(例えば、Delaney et al.,19853).Nurnberg et al.,19964)など)。しかし、議論の多くは自然界で成長した生物源炭酸カルシウムの分析結果に基づいているために、水温以外の現境因子の影響や、炭酸カルシウムを作った生物の成長履歴などがMg/Ca比やSr/Ca比に与える影響を検討することができない。この問題を解決するためには、Mg, Srの取り込み量を左右すると考えられる温度・塩分などの環境条件を一定に制御した条件下で飼育実験を行う方法が最も適している。




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