日本財団 図書館



A study dealing with how to convert Marine Recreational Facilities in Japan into Barrier Free Zone
小林 剛1) Tsuyoshi KOBAYASHI
近藤 健雄2) Takeo KONDO
松浦 榮一3) Eiichi MATSUURA
蓮見 隆4) Takashi HASUMI
1)日本大学大学院海洋建築工学専攻 Graduate school, Nihon Univ.
2)日本大学理工学部海洋建築工学科教授・工博 Professor, Dept. of Oceanic Architecture and Engineering, College of Science and Technology, Nihon Univ. Dr. Eng.
3)株式会社テトラ) Tetra co. ,ltd
4)(社)日本マリーナ・ビーチ協会 Japan marina and beach association
Key words: Aging society, Barrier-free, Coastal Recreational Facilities
The increase in the aged generation in the Japanese population has advanced at a very rapid rate that can not be observed in any other countries in the world, and it is expected that Japan will be an aged society in the year 2020 in which 65 years or elder persons would account one-fourth of the total population.
Since more advanced town and living environments have been achieved in European and American countries than in Japan, the interest in the leisure activities and education are much higher among those peoples because of the upgraded living quality. Accordingly, many facilities based on the barrier-free concept are now being built on the seaside areas in those countries for which considerations have been made
for the disabled as well.
It grasps that whether Barrier Free upgrading is requested In a bathing place, by carrying out a field survey of a bathing place, a questionnaire survey to autonomy and squeeze a view point to a bathing place in this research comprehensively.
1. はじめに
一方、すでに高齢社会を迎えている欧米先進国では、都市整備・生活県境整備を始め、水辺にバリアフリーの概念を取り入れた海洋性レクリエーション拠点施設の整備も進行している。アメリカにおいては、雇用、交通、公共施設、コミュニティー施設全ての分野における障害者に対する差別を禁止するアメリカ障害者法(Americans With Disabilities Act)2)が制定されている。日本では平成6年に高齢者、障害者等が円滑に利用できる特定建築物の建築の促進に関する法律が制定される等、高齢社会への対応は建築の分野にお




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