Toward Enhancement and Environmental of Enclosed Coastal Seas in the World
上嶋 英機 * (1)Hideki Ueshima
宝田 盛康 * (1)Moriyasu Takarada
村田武一朗 * (2)Buichiro Murata
*(1)通商産業省中国工業研究所 MITI Chugoku National Industrial Research Institute
*(2)(株)地域計画研究所 The Institute of Regional & Social Planning
Key Word:World coastal seas, Environmental problems and strategies, NGO,International cooperation, Sustainable development
We carried out a survey to have a global view of strategies against the environmental deterioration of coastal seas. World coastal seas selected for the survey were Mediterranean Sea,North Sea, Baltic Sea, Chesapeak Bay,Persian Gulf, Gulf of Thailand, Gulf of Tongkin and China coastal seas ( Yellow sea, East and South China Seas ), and related reports on environmental protection and management for these seas were gathered to grasp the environmental problems and pressures and the strategies implemented or to be implemented.
The survey results were summarized in eleven categories of pollution state,pressure,regulation or legislation system, ecological aspect, restoration or conservation measures, NGO activities,etc... Depending on the porblems encountered ,the strategy taken for each coastal sea have a wide variety. However it seemes to need more integrated international cooperation on research and development studies and so on for realizing the world sustainable development.