日本財団 図書館



Fabrication of Caisson by Unit Reinforcement Method
高橋 英俊 Hidetoshi Takahashi
小林 茂雄 Shigeo Kobayashi
近藤隆道 Takamichi Kondo
平林丈嗣 Taketsugu Hirabayashi
運輸省第二港湾建設局 Yokohama Machinery Improvement Office,
横浜機械整備事務所 2nd District Port Construction Bureau,Ministry of Transport
横浜市神奈川区橋本町2-1-4 Hashimoto-cho Kanagawa-ku,Yokohama 22l, Japan
Key words :Reinforced Concrete, Caisson, Unit Reinforcement, Labour Saving
Recently, port and harbour facilities have been constructed at offshore and deep water area. The fabrication of large reinforced concrete structures needs many skilled workers for reinforcement arrangement, form works, etc. However lack of the skilled workers is chronic and increase of aged workers becomes serious problem. Labour saving technics is one solution of these problems and rapid construction work is also demanded.
Yokohama Machinery Improvement Office develops "Unit Reinforcement Method" to
cope with above problems. Unit reinforcements made on the yard ground are brought
onto the top of the caisson by a crane after concrete casting then the unit
reinforcements are connected each other.
This method has been applied to the quaywall caissons and the breakwater caissons at Yokohama Port, Hitachi Naka Port, and Onahama Port since 1994. The merits of this
method that is made clear through the application are as below.
?Accuracy of the unit reinforcement is very high.
?Safety of work increases because the fabrication of reinforcements at high place
?Rapid construction is possible due to unit reinforcement method.
1. はじめに
2. 鉄筋ユニット工法の概要
2−1. 鉄筋ユニット工法の施工法
2−2. 鉄筋ユニットの種類と分割方法




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