日本財団 図書館





Generative Design for Sustainable Urban Region
-Coexistence and Safety, Security -


帝塚山大学教授 紙野桂人


Professor at Tezukayama University, Keijin Kamino


Keywords: sustainable city, security, urban system, grand design, local design



This paper states about the regional system design to generate urban coexistency with natural features and followingly to bring safety and security on urban activities.
First, it realizes the grand network system development which perform the coincidence of urban activities flow with natural infrastructures such as the water basin formed by rivers and the bay. Continueingly, the urban open space and the urban landuse system will be requested to follow the coincidence. By this formation, the ecological balance and peoples life amenities must be regenerated in the urban environment. And also, urban activities will be vitalized by organic incentives from the newly balanced environment. In this balanced environment, the failsafe function of urban responses against disasters should be enhanced. The short of this supporting function was experienced at the big disaster of Hanshin-Awagi earthquake.
Scecondly, it institutes the inseparatable necessity of environmentally balanced local units such as leaves and branches of trees. Each units will support human life as a town and a neighborhood. The coexistence of this level will reply directly habitation needs and ways of real human life. For this purpose, the neighborhood system of the past newtown must be revaluated and improved by refreshed knowledge. Organic thinking and design for urban space is essential.
At last, it proposes eight points of guide-posts for the design. These points include the cohabitation urban system, the human scaled and behavioral balance intended urban space, the exchanging system among selfsupporting clusters, the redundant feature for urban infrastructure, the public facilities available as lifesaving points, the urban network by selfsupporting-multipolarized cities, the need of a metropolitan region adjusting authority for efficiencial realization and restructuring of regional traffic systems, the re-creation of intelligent function in the city center against decentralization of advanced research and educative functions.


われわれ人間の生態もその例外ではなく、ひとつの生命活動として、あるいは地域社会の人間活動として、都市活動として、全人類的地域活動として、本来機械の次元を越える有機的システムをもって適応と進化の過程を経つつあると言えるであろう。それに対しでわれわれの都市の近代形成は、結果として必ずしも性能の良くない機械になりすぎたという問題点を持っている。その意味で人類は、その活動の最も重要な次元である都市システムにおいて、本来の有機性を見失う誤動作に入った可能性が認められる。考えてみれば、1992年のリオデジャネイロ宣言(環境と開発に関する国連会議)が人類に対して持続可能な開発(Sustainable Development)を求め、自然と人間、自然と都市の共生の可能性を探る方向を示したのは、その反省に基づくものであった。その3年後にわれわれは阪神淡路大震災を経験し、有機的適応性を欠く都市システムが、生命の安全、生活の維持、都市の持続にとって弱いものであることを教えられた。それはわが国の都市共通の大課題であることも、その後の検証で




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