Marine Environment in Osaka Bay, biodiversity. Marine based infrastructure, Restoration of enclosed sea environment. A model for sustainable development
The Marine Corridor Project is a bold and visionary concept that is expected to transform Osaka Bay into a trade and industry center, marine and environmental research site, international cultural and intellectual center, and prototypical city of the future. The Marine Corridor is a marine based transportation, utility, and telecommunications mega-infrastructure corridor linking ten urban centers now located on the bay's perimeter.
Also, this infrastructure is restoring marine environment of Osaka Bay. Despite the economic success of greater Osaka. or perhaps because of it. Osaka Bay now suffers from severe environmental problems, including deterioration of water quality, pollution of sea-bottom sediment, and inability of natural ecosystem to purify the bay.
The project will give high priority to prevailing concerns on the impact of natural hazards such as earthquakes. tsunamis, and typhoons. This paper describes more detail of Marine Corridor Project concept for the specific aims at each developing levels, function of total system, construction system. and marine environmental restore system.