Article 10. The Minister of Transport determines airworthiness certification for aircraft when an application for such is submitted (excluding the gliders as specified by Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport; hereinafter in this chapter, the same shall apply).
2. No aircraft may be certified as airworthy under the preceding paragraph, unless it has Japanese nationality, However, the same shall not apply to any aircraft as specified by a Cabinet Order.
3. For airworthiness certification, the purpose of aircraft use and aircraft operating limitations as prescribed by Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport shall be designated.
4. Where an application under paragraph 1 is made, the Minister of Transport shall inspect whether the design, manufacturing process and current conditions comply with the standards described below and shall grant airworthiness certification if these factors meet the established standards.
4-(1)The standards of strength, structure and performance to ensure the safety of aircraft specified by Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.
4-(2)Noise standards specified by the Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport with regard to the category of aircraft, the engine model as well as the maximum take-off weight limits.
4-(3)Emission control standards for engine exhaust specified by Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport with regard to the engine model and limits of power as well as other provisions specified by Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.
5. In spite of the preceding provisions, the Minister of Transport may omit a part of the inspection procedure for the design or manufacturing process on the aircraft listed below.
5-(1)An aircraft which is the same type of as that type-certified under Article 12 paragraph 1. (restricted only to the aircraft which receives initial airworthiness certification).
5-(2)An imported aircraft specified by a Cabinet Order. (restricted only to the aircraft which receives initial airworthiness certification).