Article 1.The purpose of this Law is to promote the development of civil and general aviation by providing for the methods to ensure the safety of, and to prevent problems arising from, navigation of such aircraft, in conformity with both the provisions of the Convention on International Civil Aviation and the standards, practices and procedures adopted as Annexes hereto; and to establish an order of business for operating aircraft.
Article 2.Under this Law , the term“aircraft”means any aeroplane, rotorcraft, glider and airship which can be used for air navigation with a person on board and any other apparatus used for air navigation which may be specified by Cabinet Order.
2. Under this Law, the term “air navigation service” means any operation onboard an aircraft (including the operation of radio equipment on board), and confirmation work as provided for by Article 19) paragraph 1, to be performed on repaired or remodeled aircraft.
3. Under this Law, the term “airman” means any person who has obtained competence certification as an airman under Article 22.
4. Under this Law, the term “air navigation facility” means any facility used for air navigation by means of electric signals, lights, colours or signs as may be specified by Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.
5. Under this Law, the term “landing area” means a rectangular area of an aerodrome which is provided for the takeoff (including such area on water;hereinafter the same) or landing (including such area on water, hereinafter the same) of aircraft in a definite direction.
6. Under this Law, the term “approach area” means a plane defined by two connected points parallel to the shorter side of landing area 375 meters (600 meters in the case of a landing area used for the landing, performed by using an instrument landing apparatus, or performed in accordance with a landing guidance by using precision approach radar, while in the case of a landing area used for the heliport, the length in which the distance between the shorter side and the straight line multiplied by tangent 150 plus 1/2 length of the shorter side) distant from a point on a straight line crossing at a point 3,000 meters (not more than 2,000 meters as many be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport in the case of a landing area of the heliport) distant from that side and forming a rectangle, with the