日本財団 図書館


Standard Specification of Trans-Asia Railways
For smooth operation of trains, from various Asian countries on the Traits-Asia rail line, the standard specifications to be observed was justitled by the participating countries as mentioned below:
(a) Maximum moving dimensions
Maximum moving dimensions for MR. is 3770 mm in width and 3155 mm, in height. For large scale contairer trucks, present bridges shall be repaired to pass those kinds of trains.
(b) Axle load
Trans-Asia railways mazimum axle load is 15 tons. MR's permissible axle load is only 12.5 torts and it is necessary to improve the track quality to meet the Trans-Asia specification.
(c) Train speed
Trans-Asia specified train spced is from 80 to 120 kph for passenger trains and up to 70 kph. for freight trains. MR's permissible train speed is from 32 to 48 kph. and improvement of existing track will be available to specified speed.
(d) Other specification
The length of sidings should be 500 m for train half Adaptation of automatic coupler and compressed air brake system will be introduced in MR. from 1996-97.


A plan to upgrade the existing track and construction of the new rail line shall be realized according to this standard.


There are ten tunnels totaling 944 meters in length and the longest one is of 280 m. Modern tunneling equipments were purchased from China and new tunnel is under construction at Pon-daurig and Pon-nyar, north-western part of Myanmar, and that tunnel may be used for passing super cube container trains.


Inspection of Tracks by Track Recording Truck (TRT)
Inspection of track by TRT has been done periodically in all route of MR network. If the record on the TRT is beyond the limit of the track specification, classification of the extent repair has been sorted out followed by the proper action. Machine tamping is being introduced in place of present manual tamping. Track lining & lifting machines may also be utilized.


Development Plan of Railway Signal and Communication
1. From 1995-96 to 2000-2001. to meet increase of train services and traffic demand, for increasing of speed, safety and effective control of train Operation for the whole network of Railways the following plans will be done.
2. Pgrading of Ygn-Mdy line signal and communication works
For communication of train traffic control for Main of whole network.
3. Replacement of unsafe Signal and Telecommunication equipments and system by using safe and effective equipment and system.
4. Improvement of Public Address system and Public Entertainment at Railway stations and on passenger trains.
5. Reconstruction of Signalling equipments in Northern Mu valley section, Northern and Southern Shan state section.
6. Using OPEC fund. Yangon Circular and Suburban line Automatic Block Signalling system will be reconstructed.





