日本財団 図書館

Question 6 (Mr. Katsuhide Kitatani, UNFPA):

I have a question that I would like to ask. Your slide mentioned TFR and clean water tlccommodation. I could not really understand the relatlonshlp between th e two. In the extreme sense, maybe you can say that if you have the high permea tion rate of the piped warter supplicd, you can reduce the birthrate. Rather th an stating so, you have to have the education and awareness education. I think this will lead to a better level of hygiene for the people.

Dr. Ogawa:

Maybe I did not explain In full, that's why I just have caused some misundersta nding. Thc perccntagc of Female Education Rate and the Infant Mortallty Rate, t herc are two vcry straight lines, as a linear relationship, whereas the TFR, th e Total Fertility Rate, is not on linear. In that sense, if you really want to reduce the infant mortality rate, then I lhink it would be more closely correla ted with the education. And on the other slde, In the other graph, there is not that much close correlatlon between the two factors. So I agree to what you ha ve stated.

Question 7 (Hon. Nguyen Thi Than, MP, VIETNAM):

Can you tell me a nice method for treatment of nitrogen-contamlnatcd water? Whi ch is the technology for the treatment of this waste water? Treatment of wasted water by nltro-gen?

Dr. Ogawa:

I'm not a specialist in that area, so I can't answer the questlon with the corr ect answer.


Any other questions? Ladies and Gentlemen, we all politicians, this is just a g cncral commcnt that.... the politicians who want to be voted in, they must make sure that they have some answer to the demanding of water. Particularly by the ladies, and I'm happy to see thc ladics. Because the ladies are the ones entru sted to make sure that wc havc watcr in thc home. And they are the ones who are utilizing It. If they are not helped, and that is the men'sjob, or the politic lans' job, to get the water into the homes, you can forget your chancc in the n ext elections. And just to illustrate my polnt, some ycars ago I was in a boat up on the Rlver Nilc to go to a conference in Cairo. I see P.D. I was sitting w ith a gcntlemun from Australia, who is not here, Herman Collins. And on the way I saw a lot





