日本財団 図書館

This is the amount of methyl mercury accumulated in the fish, and this is durin g the four years, from 1968 all the way to 1972 on a yearly basis (see Table 9) . And you can see that, well, it is not on a continuous linear reduction. It we nt up at one instance, from 0.22 to 0.82. Although the plant stopped the produc tion of mercury around 1965, there was a time delay In decreasing. There was st ill an increase of the concentration of mercury accumulated in the fish, and it peaked in 1970, and then started to decline. And thls is because of the food c hain. When human belngs were exposed to the mercury, we looked into the mercury levels of their organs, the mercury got accumulated in the brain, Iiver Lmd ki dneys. There were the symptoms in the central nervous system observed in the br aln, but not very clear-cut rymptoms in the liver and the kidneys. But there wa s indeed a very high level of accumulation of the mercury in the those organs o f the patients.





