日本財団 図書館

The infant mortality is mainly caused by the gastro-enteritis and most of the i ncide,nces wcre related to the bad quallty of the water. Of course, it is impor tant to incrcasc the clean water usage rate, because thls will bring down the p revalence of gastro-enteritis, and this will bring down the infant mortality ra te. But it has been proved by the Brazilian research that it has a lot to do wi th the knowledge on the part of mothers as to sanitation tmd health. So it is v ery important that we have to teach the mothers on sanitatlon and how to keep t helr family members healthy. As I have said that there is an inverse correla-ti on in the reduction of the Infant Mortality Rate and the education rate of moth ers, this is thc reason why it Is important to educate the mothers.
Now, I would like to talk on the second topic and focus on three countries whic h may be representative of each three group in Asia (see Figure 7).





