日本財団 図書館

As many as 33% of water used is lost through evaporation and transpiration. In particu-larly, nearly 70% of water used for agriculture is lost into the atmosp here. For this rea-son, the use of water for field irrigation is considered as consumptive water use and has significant impact on the downstream region. This impact is particularly conspicuous in rivers that flow through arid and semiar id regions. In the Yellow River that flows through North China, it has been rep orted that water volume drops drastically in the downstream region in summer an d that the river dries up for several hundred kilometers. Contraction of the Ar al Sea at the Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan border was caused by ex-cessive intake of water from Amu Darya and Syr Darya for field irrigation upstream. Its has be come 10 meters shallower than it was 30 years ago, and wider salt deserts have appeared in areas where lakeshore receded and deterioration of the environment is ad-vancing around the lake. A problem related to water resources utilization that will become serious in th e future is the impact of global wanning caused by increase in concentration of greenhouse effect gases in the atmosphere. According to a recent IPCC report ( 1996), an increase of 0.5 to 1.℃ and 1.0 to 2.0℃ from the present temperatur e may occur by 2050 and 2100, re-spectively. The changes in hydrological condit ion that may take place as a result of this warming can be sumuarized as follow s:

1. Increase in heavy rainfall

2. Shortening of snow cover period and reduction in snow fall

3. Increase in evapotranspiration from ground and plant cover

These changes are likely to bring about lowering of decrease in renewable water resoures and reduction in effective soil moisture. In addition, wanning will r aise the snowline in mountain regions and cause water shortage at many oases th at depend on mountain gla-ciers for their water. For instance, nearly a third o f oases are said to have disappeared in the arid regions of western most China due to increase of temperature that has occurred in the last 40 years.
Meanwhile, increase in temperature is known to bring about increase in water us e for municipalities. The relationship between temperature, volume of water use and electric power use according to data from Tokyo Metropolitan Water Bureau and Tokyo Electric Power Company is shown in Figure 7. As such relationship is likely to be found in any region of the world, global wanning will intensify wa ter shortage in many regions. As concentration of population in urban areas and birth of many so-called megalopolises are predicted for the 21st Century, securing water for municipalities use will become a very important issue.





