日本財団 図書館

If the necessary policies are not implemented about the so-called shifting cult ivation, we will see a rapid increase of population. Not only the people of Lao s will have to suffer the consequences, but also the people of Thailand and Cam bodia, in the neighboring areas. There must be reglonal cooperation, because th e whole issue is so large, and cannot be tackled by one country. In view of the fact that the problems that Laos faces are not iso-lated to Laos, but also pote ntially includes its nelghbors, we must recognize that it is a regional or inte rnational challenge requiring assistance and cooperation from many coun-tries.
The Lao people must be able to determine their future, they must know about the mselves, and they must open themselves to outside assistance. Bringing in physi cal goods to Laos would not be enough. In the past, the Lao people had just lis tened to the government, because under the socialist system all they needed to do is to follow the govemment's instructions. It was the government that made t he decisions on their behalf, so it was suf-ficient that they just listened and obeyed, abide by the rules of the government. But it has progressed further tha n that stage, and in order to really reform, they must be motivated to think ab out themselves and to be able to express what they need. We have tried to respo nd to such requirements of the country.
We have chosen the mountainous area for our survey. In the future, we would lik e to conduct similar surveys in the southern areas where the paddy fields are c oncentrated. Improvlng the infrastructure, building of the bridges are done to some extent, but there are stlll fragmentary approaches for the entire country to be fully developed. There are so many things to be done. Instead of Thai Bah t or Chinese Yuan, the Lao people, no matter where they are, should be able to use their own currency, and should be able to have an access to the market. Unl ess the country prospers and develops, it will not only be Lao, but other neigh boring countries that will suffer the consequences. Whether it is Myanmar, Camb odia, Vietnam, Thailand or China, they will be affected. The French colonlal ad -ministrators abandoned Laos in the past, but we Asians cannot do the same. We belong to this Asian home and we must work together for our common cause and be nefit. Thank you very much.





