日本財団 図書館

What I would like to mention in conclusion is that economic growth is not takin g place in proportion to the high literacy rate and advancement of urbanization in the Philippines. The distemper that had existed in the past was one of the r easons, but the political stabil-ity, high literacy rate and advancement of urb anization brought about by President Ramos entering the office will surely make positive contribution in this area. High level of education is particularly sig nificant and the percentage of people receiving college educa-tion is on the in crease. These factors of the Philippines are high compared to other countries i n Asia.
Under President Ramos, the Ramos Administration is putting forward a program fo r catching up with other Asian countries in terms of economic growth called "Ph ilippines 2000." I expect that this program will attain significant results tha nks to the high per-centage of urbanization and literacy rate. They did not pre vail in the past but will con-tribute to social development as the social indic es combine with the government policy under the new administration. Therefore, the Philippines will attain more rapid eco-nomic growth in the near future. Muc h has changed in the year or two. Years of nega-tive growth did exist in the pa st but things have been moving up in the last couple of years. Economic growth rate, GDP growth rate, marked a 4.5% growth in 1995 and the policy of the Phili ppines Government is expected to create a favorable cycle, Like her neighbors t hat attained remarkable economic growth, Thailand and Indonesia should also be able to grow, and I feel that the experience of other countries can be used in this re-spect.
I discussed briefly about the survey results on the level of urbanization and e conomic development. I was very happy to see the results of administrative and legislative activi-ties of the Philippines Government as well the effort made b y government institutions and the Population Institute of the Philippines Unive rsity that were demonstrated by this survey. I was able to receive enormous coo peration from numerous agencies of the Philippines in conducting this survey. I would be very happy if these results would be of some reference and use to all of you.
Now I would like to hear any criticism or question that you may have. Thank you very much.





