日本財団 図書館

Session I: Study on Population and Development

[14:00-16:30, February 12, 1996]

"Survey on Urbanization and Development in Nepal"


Dr. Toshio Kuroda,

Director Emeritus, Nihon University

Population Research Institute

Thank you very much, I will discuss on the Urbanization and Development in Nepal,

Urbanization is a phenomenon that is intrinsic to economic and social development, i.e., it is a process of modernization. Demographic implications of urbanization are also important aspects because the migratory movement of population, which is a major factor in urban population increase, greatly affects fertility and mortality, and consequently, creates regional disparities in natural increase rate and affects the regional age structure of population. Patterns of urbanization differ considerably between the more developed and the less developed regions. In 1994, the more-developed regions were heavily urbanized with more than 75 percent of the population living in cities. However, only 37 percent of those in the less developed regions were urban residents. The less developed are undergoing a process of rapid urbanization in contrast to the more developed regions where the urbanization has slowed down.

Another important point is the urbanization of the world population as a whole. That may be called, "globalization of urbanization." Between 1975 and 1995, the urban population of the less developed regions has more than doubled, increasing at a rate of 3.8 percent per annum. It is estimated that 57 percent of the population in the less developed regions and 61 . I percent of the population will be urbanities by 2025. The United Nations projections indicate that half of the world population will be living in urban areas by 2005. They suggest that the 2 1 st century will be of an urban world -- a world humankind has never experienced before in terms of way of life -- a world that inevitably requires fundamental changes in the social system on a global scale.

Urbanization often introduces social and economic disturbances if rapid urbanization involves large-scale migration from rural to urban areas. On the one hand, Large urban centers cannot provide adequate housing, jobs and medical service because of lack of necessary resources and capabilities. Urban problems such as unemployment, traffic congestion, environmental deterioration and so on will become serious. People talk about "over-urbanization", which means, the concentration of population and industries beyond the supporting capacity of a city. Conversely, rural areas are suffering from shortage of labor due to large-scale out-migration of young people.

In order to cope with the contrasting difficulties in urban and rural areas, comprehensive policies involving both areas should be taken by the central and local governments be-cause these areas are closely linked with each other. The final objective is to foster a more balanced distribution of population by promoting sustainable development in both sending

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