日本財団 図書館




Osaka Model United Nations


We, the participants of the "Osaka Model United Nations" . held in Osaka on August 3Oth-31st, 1996, have discussed ways to introduce the idea of GLOCALISM to our global system so as to make a global society based on love, compassion, mutual respect and harmony with nature for the 21st century. We declare the following.
It is important for us to realize that the current global system based on the sovereignty of states which has been facing crucial problems must be broadened.
In order to realize the global society that we seek, it is vital for us as global citizens, as members of local communities, and as NGO's to play a pro-active role.
In Osaka, we established and strengthened our mutual contract. We will maintain and further strengthen this contract in the period ahead. In this context, we affirm the following points,


1. We, as global citizens with rights and duties to the global society, will act together in practical ways to help overcome the problems facing humanity.
2 . We will explore further the concept of GLOCALISM which seeks to promote a full and balanced partnership between international organizations comprising sovereign states and civil society including, where appropriate, local authorities. The voice of local communities should be heard.
3. We emphasize that it is an urgent task for us as NGOs by strengthening our global NGO network, to help realize a GLOCALISM. In this way, we will offer solutions on issues that concern the world over as we listen to what each local society has to say through a new function of the United Nations whose existence is based on a united body of nation states.





