日本財団 図書館


Workshop 2


『Global-society system in which NGO plays a key role』


● Chairman Hiromu FUKADA
(Former Minister to the Delegation of Japan to OECD)
● Guest speaker Yasuhiko YOSHIDA
(Professor at Saitama universitv)



Mr. Hiromu FUKADA


Mr. Yasuhiko YOSHIDA



Guest Speech
It has been 51 years since the United. Nations was founded. Amid changes in the international environment, there are now calls for the reform of the UN. Meanwhile, individuals are waking up to the need to tackle global issues from global perspectives. As independent organizations distinct from government., NGOs are playing important roles, dealing with issues including human rights, development, and the environment.
NGOs are given a clear status in economic and social domains by the UN Charter. If given official UN recognition, NGOs acquire advisory status to the UN and may express opinions at UN conferences as specialist organizations.
The approved NGOs number more than one thousand today. The ideas and specialized knowledge of NGO. are being put to u. e in bodies such as ILO (international Labor Organization), UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).
The first time an NOC directly participated in UN activity was in the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm. In its wake, various UN conferences on global issues such as population, food, and women have been held, deepening the relationship between the UN and NGOs. Today, the UN cannot hold any global conferences without the active involvement of the NGOs.





