日本財団 図書館





Mr. Hiromi Kanai
President, Osaka Junior Chamber, Inc.


In these times of historic change, the world is beginning to seek a new order. To realize a prosperous world suffused with love requires a global community consisting of autonomous regions, in which national boundaries lose significance. A global vision based on active glocalism, where regions understand and respect one another, is becoming the new paradigm.
The Osaka Junior Chamber Inc., under the motto "Think Globally, Act Locally," is aiming at world prosperity while promoting activities cultivating global minds. The Osaka Junior Chamber was formally approved and registered with the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization (NOOI in June 1995. This year we are taking up regional development and international cooperation activities, in line with the basic principle "Loving People, Loving Communities, Loving the Earth," that guides all our actions.
At this "Osaka Model United Nations," we have gathered together NGOs from around the world, people working in their regions to realize a prosperous world, and youths carrying the torch onward into the future.
During the Conference, which extended over three days, we were able to better understand each other's cultures and values, engender trust between regions, seek the building of a new global community, and adopt a resolution unanimously, to further the aim of the Conference. On September 10, we reported the details of the Conference and the resolution to the United Nations in New York.
We are determined to do our utmost to realize a truly prosperous world, by making most of the network established through the Conference.
May I conclude by offering my deepest thanks to all those who supported the Conference, and particularly to the NGOs who participated from around the world.





