日本財団 図書館


promoted and measures will be taken to facilitate the introduction of volunteer vacation systems and support corporate philanthropy.


4. Living Environment

Since houses serve as the basis of peoples' living, housing environments will be improved so that people can choose their houses based on their life plans, thereby ensuring lifelong, stable and comfortable residential lives. To achieve this goal, housing standards will be improved, the rationalization of housing production will be promoted and housing styles will be diversified so that people can live with or neighbor to their parents. In conjunction with welfare measures, moreover, the provision of houses equipped with life-support systems that allow self-support or care for the elderly will be promoted.
To ensure safe and smooth activities of the elderly, public transportation systems, sidewalks and public buildings will be made barrier-free, and comprehensive measures will be taken to facilitate community development that takes the elderly into consideration.
In addition, measures will be taken to protect the elderly from traffic accidents, crimes and disasters so that they can live with peace of mind.
Furthermore, considering the status and socio-economic features of the aging society, living environments will be developed to create comfortable urban atmospheres by the use of water and green, and energized agriculture, forestry and fishery villages.


(1) Ensuring stable and comfortable housing
a. Promoting the provision of high-quality houses
To provide high-quality houses which serve as the basis of a stable and comfortable life, efforts will be made so that half of the households nationwide can achieve the target housing standards by FY 2000 and half of the households in all major cities can achieve the same goal as soon as possible after that. In particular, measures will be taken to ensure that there will be no more households that are below the minimum housing standards, focusing on apartment residents in major cities.
To achieve this goal, support will be provided for young people to acquire or improve their own houses. With respect to apartments, support systems will be implemented to facilitate the supply of high quality private
and public apartments.
In addition, housing production, distribution systems and consumer





